OK—let’s get this out of the way: On day-one of the media feeding frenzy surrounding the Russian Gypsy grifter who hustled Mel Gibson on a pregnancy scam after pulling the same game on British actor
Timothy Dalton (and screwing then discarding a
succession of men to get within "reproductive range" of the James Bond actor, like the common hustler she is) who then released alleged (we now know ALTERED) audio tapes featuring “Mad Mel"—who told you she was lower than gutter scum and had manufactured the entire sad saga even before she met Mel Gibson and blatantly scammed him?
We mean, really,
Russian, no indoor plumbing, ambitious to marry Dalton, told friends (in the Ukraine where she originated from) that she would marry Dalton, screwed her way through a succession of older and younger men to meet and have her shot at bagging Dalton--and the "media" was still willing to give this gyftos the time-of-day?
As a signpost for the Mel Gibson scam, the Russian grifter immediately gets pregnant by Dalton, presses Dalton to marry, Dalton says “no problem, just sign this prenup”, and the Grifter, realizing she has been out-foxed, decamps to happier hunting grounds in LA.
Coincidence of coincidences! Of the scores of men this Russian adventurer has bedded to get out of the
Ukraine, and to get to the UK to meet (and bed) Dalton, and then when she gets to Hollywood and beds Gibson—the ONLY TWO MEN IN THE UNIVERSE that this slut-gifter-con-artist gets pregnant by are the only two rich and famous men she has bedded?
OK, here is the punch line: The first set of lawyers this Gypsy-grifter hired quit, and now the second set of lawyers hired by this completely discredited scam artist have quit, including
Eric George (see our
prior posts, scroll down.)
And that is not all.
Rumor has it that the Los Angeles police have determined that the Russian grifter FAKED the photos of her alleged facial injuries (as we also predicted here) and are interviewing the her ex-lawyers to gather evidence in the mounting EXTORTION case against the slut. (HELLO!, a blow to the face hard enough to break off teeth is going to create visible soft-tissue damage and no black-eye was visible in the faked-tooth photos--later embellished to include the faked black-eye!)
It is also being reported in the tabloid press that the Ukrainian grifter who fled a dirt floor hovel with no indoor plumbing to the UK to hustle Tim Dalton in a pregnancy scam CANNOT PAY her huge Rodeo Drive bills she ran up in apparent anticipation of the riches she would reap in her latest scam.
From where we sit:
1. Shame on you all for judging Mel Gibson on
fabricated tapes; AND
2. The
Gipsy-grifter is finally about to receive JUSTICE (if not JAIL)!
Read more:
Here and
here Meanwhile, the Russian-pregnancy-scam-artist is is reportedly meeting with divorce firm
Troup& Troup, who boasts "Over 400 years experience in Family Law"--Ha!--pretty amazing, since a) the United States is not 400 years old--let alone California; b) what we now call "Family Law" in this state is no older that 30 years!!!! (Or does the firm mean that COLLECTIVELY its attorneys are 400 years old? Ha!!!! As if 400 hundred lawyers with one year worth of experience is equal to one very talented and experienced lawyer? Ha, Ha, Ha!
Clown law firm meets
clown client!!!!!!)
It looks like a DESCENDING hierarchical spiral of successive lawyers looking to cash-in, and the Russian is nearing the bottom of the barrel!!!!! (AS IN ROCK BOTTOM!!!!!)
Related: Oksana Grigorieva Switches Lawyers (TMZ) Also Related: Mel Gibson's ex "drops" legal team Uh, pardon our cynicism--but we think Mel Gibson's Ex was "dropped" by her (former) excellent team of criminal attorneys and NOT the other way around. Maybe the "dropping" happened because she could not pay the bills, and maybe her legal team just got tired of her serial lies. But this Russian grifter is not going to imply to the tabloid press that these top tier attorneys who used to represent her were at fault for the "droppage"--not on our watch.
Nice (but ridiculous and ineffectual) try to spin this story without the publicist who dropped you as well, moron, but no "cigar".