...and such
The weather in Dallas has been lovely the past couple of days. Clear skies, cool temps, breezy and the sun is just warm enough so when you sit outside you don't roast. I've been taking my lunch outside at work pretty regularly and I think the exposure to the sun is helping me sleep better at night. I think there is some link to sleep and exposure to sun light.
I feel drained after writing about my experience with my brother but I'm glad I wrote it all down and told it as one stream of consciousness. Thanks for all the kind words in the comments and emails.
Finally this quote is from this article in the Washington Post: Rove's Future Role is Debated. I made some modifications to help y'all read between the lines.
"Karl does not have any real enemies [All enemies have been sacrificed and cooked for the almighty Turdblossom's nourishment. The moderates have all been eaten. We need more carcasses, bring in the fiscal conservatives!!] in the White House, but there are a lot of people in the White House [who have escaped the mighty maw of Karl] wondering how they can put this behind them [People who never really like Karl but we're too afraid of wrath they would face if they had enough balls to expose him for crooked man he is] if the cloud remains over Karl," said a GOP strategist [opportunist] who has discussed the issue with top White House officials. "You can not have that [fresh] start as long as Karl is there [Finally the moment has arrived where we can be free! But you didnt hear me say that]."
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