Dinner Conversation
Brad and I are always going off on trains of thought that lead to amusing conclusions. Tonight we we started talking about oral sex. I said that there ought to be a man douche, something for the whole shebang. It would take care of the frontal and backside and it could be scented according to gender preference. I insisted that there was a market for this especially amongst the faumosexuals (i.e. metrosexuals). Man douche of the hetero variety could have a pleasing potpourri scent that could appeal to the feminine senses. The homo variety could have a more masculine appeal. I guess something along the lines of musky hues of odors.
Then Brad brought up the fact that the whole idea of hetero oral sex is about humiliation. If you look at hetero porn the latest rage is ATM (ass to mouth). Its all about making the woman do something horribly uncomfortable and degrading. Man douche would totally defeat that purpose so nix that. No straight man wants a woman enjoying his fellatio, all the eroticism is lost.
So then I thought about the extremes in gay sex. The leather bondage scene in particular. I thought out loud to Brad, "If extreme sex is about making the other person do something that they really don't want to do, really degrading them, then I don't see what's so extreme about a bunch of queens parading around in leather calling one another master, daddy, boy or bitch. If you want to get really extreme make a gay man have hetero sex."
Brad paused a minute and eventually concluded, "The most twisted gay sex is hetero sex."
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