Democratic Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana will not run for President in 2008.
During my two terms as Governor and now in the United States Senate, it has always been more about the people I was able to help than the job I held. As you know I have been exploring helping the people of my state and our country in a different capacity. After talking with family and friends over the past several days, I have decided that this is not the year for me to run for President and I will not be a candidate for the presidency in 2008. It wasn't an easy decision but it was the right one for my family, my friends and my state. I have always prided myself on putting my public responsibilities ahead of my own ambitions.Go read Senator Bayh's full statement.
On paper Senator Evan Bayh would have been the ideal Democratic candidate running in 2008; a young, presidential-looking, two term Governor of a red state turned Senator who is extremely popular with the people of Indiana. But, if you look past this resume the Senator would have been a deeply flawed candidate running in the primary and the general election for the Democratic Party. First off, this economic positions are out of step with Democratic primary voters and with independent voters who increasingly want a populist message. Second, the Senator would have not won the Democratic primary running as a Iraq hawk. It will be disastrous for the Democratic Party to run a candidate who is an Iraq hawk. The Republican party is going to nominate the an uber hawk, mostly likely John '08 McCain, who is going to have President Bush failed Iraq policies tied around this neck. With the American public demanding troops withdraw and with President Bush answering the call of John '08 McCain and Senator Holy Joe Lieberman to send more troops to Iraq, Senator Bayh could have not distant himself from the Republican candidate on the Iraq war. Third, the Senator has no big vision for America and he lacks passion. It's unclear what the Senator stands and where he wants to take the country.
Finally, the Senator does not have the star power of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or Al Gore. Senator Evan Bayh is not the right David to go up against so many Goliaths.
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