We saw Anderson Cooper on CNN last night doing what he and Joel Kline
ridiculed Clinton spokesman Lanny Davis for doing on Cooper’s 360 show in early April, 2008: Raise questions about Barack Obama based on things his lifetime pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright has
Setting this hypocrisy and palpable anti-Palin bias aside, these attempts to diminish Palin by trying to falsely cast Palin’s minister as some kind of Reverend Wright (and Palin as some kind of Pentecostal religious extremist) are doomed to failure.
As Barack Obama’s early insurgent and wildly successful primary campaign proved, Americans are hungry for a fresh faced Washington DC outsider who will bring real change to the political landscape.
Two things have happened to weaken the Chicago Senator’s hold on the change mantel:
First, this campaign has gone on so long that the press has literally taken photographic note of the
graying of Obama. Meaning, Barack Hussein Obama has been in this fight so long, has made so many speeches, and appeared in so many thousands of political ads that he seems less fresh faced than old hat.
Second, Obama made a tactical choice in the face of blistering attacks from Hillary Clinton to abandon (or at least set aside) his core message of hope and change to crawl into the gutter and knife fight it out. In other words, Obama became politics as usual. Obama’s shift from his original core message has been incremental, and culminated with the selection of Joe Biden—a political has been who garnered all of 10,000 votes in the primary and had to chuck his 1987 bid to become president after
lying about his resume—and getting caught.
Enter Sarah Palin in the final act.
Fresh face. Reformer. Fought the good-old boys and entrenched interests in Alaska. By most accounts the real deal. In any event, with the ring of that rarest of political commodities: Authenticity.
Thus, Palin’s appeal is not as cultural warrior, standard bearer for the right, tongue talking religious extremist—or any other of a dozen labels that the Republican’s tried to pin on Barack Obama when HE was unstoppable: She has taken on the mantle of change. SHE has become the embodiment of America’s change hunger. THAT is why Palin is so popular, and why McCain leads Obama by ten points in the Gallup Poll.
In addition, like Obama—before he wore out this change mantle—nothing, no false rumor of baby fraud, no bridge to nowhere inconsistencies, no preacher-gate, no trouper-gate, no nothing will dislodge Sarah Palin as the living embodiment of America’s hope-change dream.
At least between now and election day. Or have you all forgotten how NOTHING could stick to Obama in the early days, no Jeremiah Wright, no nothing?