Popular Post

Monday, September 8, 2008



Politico is reporting that Charles Gibson of ABC’s “World News” will not simply be interviewing Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin next week, but “the anchorman will get extensive, repeated access to Palin throughout her first trip home since becoming the nominee.”

“ABC News will have plenty of time to question her and examine her and spend time with her,” a campaign official said. “They’ll do multiple interviews over two days. No topics are off-limits – there are no ground rules. There’s tons of time to talk to her about every topic.”

The “remarkable rollout”, according to Politico, “reflects new confidence in Palin by her handlers, who initially had suggested it would be a while before she did interviews. Now, there will be several.”

Palin will speak at her son’s Army deployment ceremony on 9/11 and spend two days with ABC News crews later this week, Politico reports.

According to Politico:

“Two interviews with Gibson are planned for Thursday, including a conversation about her support for a natural-gas pipeline – a key applause line in her convention speech. Then on Friday, Palin will spend “as much time as both parties need” in Wasilla and Anchorage, the official said. She will fly into Anchorage and then drive to Wasilla.”

So much for Joe Biden’s claim that Palin has been “sequestered”. Our thought, be careful what you wish for Senator.

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