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Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Longing for psychotropic substances and sleep

Today was rough for me. Lately my sleep has been very shallow and I wake up feeling as if I had just gone to bed.

I have been hankering for a taste of the MJ but I know my indulgence would be ruined by paranoia brought on of thoughts of my employer suddenly doing a random and unprecedented drug test on me. Then I'd be forced to go to some diversion program led by someone that has cutesy pins attached to their employee ID badge with sophomoric words of wisdom like "Hang in There." The thought of having to sit in a room where the carpet runs up the walls is enough to squelch my desire. Sometimes I wish I had a senseless disposable job in retail or some other banal service industry.

After watching the latest episode of Transgeneration I've decided that my trannie name would be Alexis.

In other trans news: Jeff Gannon, the USMC Personal Trainer/Escort/Conservative Pundit Whitehouse Journalist, has gotten really fat and ugly. He is scheduled to have 95% of his brain removed to make the final step in his transformation to a Republican.

"I can literally remember what he was wearing: an Air National Guard flight jacket, cowboy boots, bulletins, complete with the-in Texas you see it a lot-one of the back pockets will have a circle worn in the pocket from where you carry your tin of snuff, your tin of tobacco. He was exuding more charisma than any one individual should be allowed to have."
-Karl Rove on meeting George W. Bush for the first time in 1973

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