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Monday, April 17, 2006


Okay everybody so tomorrow is the day! April 18th, 2006 is National Blog Voter Registration day. Go over to Kevin's blog, Hypoxic: Random Social and Political Thought, and find out voter eligibility requirements in your state. Also visit vote-smart.org to find out how you can register to vote in your state.

Also, for those of you that don't know because you didn't listen to Krebs Cast #26, I am sponsoring an Express Your Vote competition. Submit your expression of why its important to vote via a link to a blog post, podcast, video cast, song, etc. to me by April 19, 2006. The three best expressions will win a batch of cookies baked by me and sent to them at no cost. Its so easy people, all you have to do is express why voting is important to you and you get free cookies!

Email your submissions to thekrebscycle@gmail.com

I am not much of a poet but I found the best way for me to express my vote was by making a list in sort of a poem format.

I vote...

For those who have come before me.

For those who will come after me.

For those who are defending me.

For those who have died for me.

For those who seek to expand my liberty.

For the possibility that one vote will make all the difference.

To be a citizen

To secure my liberties

To expand my liberties

To be heard

To let them know that I care.

To let them know that I am watching.

To take responsibility.

To say, "I'm not going to take your shit anymore."

I vote For peace.

I vote To defend my nation against those who seek to exploit it

I vote because I'm angry.

I vote because this nation isn't perfect.

I vote because I still believe

in the dream

in the myth

in the hope

and in the promise

of America.

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