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Friday, May 5, 2006

Cereal Box Redux

I've commented before on cereal boxes and the marketing messages the maker of these cereals try to convey to the consumer. Well it so happened that again I was struck at the idiocy of advertising and how it really must be that the majority of the people in the industry have never understood what editing is or what focus groups are.

Take this cereal box for example:
A Picture Share!

Clearly this is an attempt at cross-promotion but upon casting my visage on this cereal box I could not help but be whisked away to my youth in kindergarten. Workbook exercises were a regularity in those days and many times they involved being shown pictures of various objects and being asked which one doesn't belong. Smily happy sun man does not belong with angry oversized gorilla. Note to the Madison Avenue Kellogg's ad execs: this image is disturbing and makes me NOT want to buy Raisin Bran.

Here is another one:
A Picture Share!

Smily, happy Tucan Sam: good. Hairy, angry gorilla: bad.

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