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Monday, June 12, 2006

A Response

This comment (in italics) was left on my blog in regards to my statement saying I was going to see An Inconvenient Truth. My response is in bold.

While it is clear to me that humans are contributing to a rise in global temperatures it is definitely not clear that they are the main factor. The earth cools, the earth warms...the species that survive adapt.

John, it says in your profile that you're in manufacturing. That is a fine profession but I don't see anywhere else that says that you dabble in meteorology, geology, or evolutionary theory. Therefore, I don't know how you can make such a claim with such bravado. Where is your data? What are your theories on what IS the main factor? If we are contributing wouldn't an adaptation be to stop contributing to the CO2 thats causing the problem so we can survive?

Al Gore, in addition to inventing the internet, is a total boob. (disclaimer, I haven't seen the movie, maybe its ok, but i'm skeptical).

Ad Hominem argument. Please omit next time and bring facts that are relevant to the issue and not attacks on the person presenting them.

While I'm sure he is well meaning I'm also sure that he lacks a fundamental understanding of the climate and our impact on it. He knows what he's been told, and unfortunately he surrounds himself with do-gooder environmentalists that would apparently prefer to sit in the dark and walk to work.

What makes you "sure" that Gore lacks the understanding? Are you in the field? Al Gore has been spearheading awareness of global warming for many years. He has surrounded himself with scientific data and professionals in the field who are taking measurements. Scientists have an obligation to report measurements as they see them and over 928 peer reviewed articles in scientific journals over ten years (1993-2003) (Beyond The Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change) all come to the same conclusion that CO2 levels are rising at a more rapid pace than at any other time in the past 600k years and that the climate is changing in a manner that is not consistent for the cycles in the past 600k years. May I remind you that when you don't have a planet to live on you can't sit in the light or drive your car to work.

They offer no workable options (mostly because there aren't any!) but they insist that we "ACT NOW".

Please see the movie or go to climatecrisis.net. There are several workable options that we as individuals can do to stop and even reverse the effects of global warming.

Me-thinks he needs to talk to some people that actual understand energy, global variations in temperature and what alternatives are viable on a truely global scale. Until he does that I think I'll pass on spending my 8 bucks on his movie.

Again, Gore has been tracking this issue since he was a college student, he cites scientific data, and being that he was Vice President he's had experience meeting with energy officials in the past. Not to mention he dedicated much of his senate career to this issue as well. Your Ad Hominem argument of Al Gore being a "boob" doesn't hold water so please I encourage you to write Al Gore to tell him who he should be talking to. I think individual adjustsments in how each person can live are viable on a global scale. Furthermore the rest of the developed world has signed The Kyoto treaty and are dedicated to fighting global warming and reducing CO2 emissions. The US is one of two nations, Australia being the other, to not sign it. Furthermore, fuel efficiency standards for vehicles are significantly higher in other nations compared to the US. This would suggest that the globe already has thought of and acted on viable solutions.

Look people, its good to be skeptical but NOT BEFORE YOU SEE THE DATA. Watch the movie, learn the data, and then address the issue, not the messenger.

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