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Thursday, April 24, 2008



Hillary Clinton raised $10 million in Internet donations after her Pennsylvania primary victory on Tuesday night, Clinton claims.

That’s a record haul and one desperately needed by Clinton, who is essentially broke after Democratic rival Barack Obama forced her to spend all her resources to capture the must-win state.

In May, the candidates will compete in a succession of contests that will leave little time for replenishing campaign war chests in between.

Several of those contests – Indiana, North Carolina and Kentucky – are also home to pricey media markets. In Indiana, for instance, candidates must advertise in six markets, including ultra-expensive Chicago, to reach the entire state, Politico reports.

Team Clinton is also trying to ratchet up pressure on Obama to agree to more debates, which offer invaluable amounts of free media time. Thus far, Obama has turned down debate offers.

OUR TAKE: After Obama’s disastrous Philadelphia debate performance on the eve of the Pennsylvania primary where Clinton clobbered Obama dispite his clear financial advantage both on television and on the ground, no way is Obama going to debate before the Democratic nomination process is concluded. On the financing, Obama will continue to be able to blitz the media markets in the upcoming primary states with superior spending power, but Clinton will raise enough to nominally stay in the game. And as Mitt Romney recently learned, more money does not a nominee make.

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