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Monday, April 28, 2008


[Washington Post-The Trail]

We previously posted about Reverend Wright inspired GOP ads attacking Barack Obama—and those office seeking Democrats that have endorsed him—that are running in North Carolina, Louisiana, Ohio and Texas.

Now—reports The Trail—“Barely two weeks before a special election to fill a vacant U.S. House seat, GOP nominee Greg Davis has begun airing a political attack ad featuring grainy images of Obama, his former pastor and Davis's Democratic opponent, Travis Childers, who is running an unexpectedly strong campaign in a conservative northern Mississippi district.”

"Travis Childers, he took Obama's endorsement over our conservative values. Conservatives just can't trust Travis Childers," the narrator says over pictures of the candidate, Obama and Wright.

Accordng to The Trail, the ads are:

“[T]esting whether Obama would be a drag against downballot Democratic candidates. In Louisiana, where another special election
is being held Saturday to fill a vacant formerly GOP-held House seat, the National Republican Congressional Committee and a conservative group are linking the Democratic congressional nominee to Obama's health-care plan, saying the Democrat supports Obama's "big government scheme." In North Carolina, the Republican Party is running ads linking the Democratic candidates for governor to Obama and Wright, including footage of the pastor yelling "God damn America" from the pulpit.

The Trail adds:

“The Louisiana and Mississippi races follow the special election in llinois last month, when Democrat Bill Foster used Obama to score an
upset win in the district previously held for 21 years by former House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.).”

Will the Reverend Wright issue work for the GOP? Stay tuned.

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