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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Bears and Buds

Last night was a twofold event. FIrst of all it was the 11th annual Texas Bear Round Up. Basically its a bunch of bears coming together in Dallas to meet, rub each other's shaved heads, grab one another's beefy butts, and swap commentary on various and sundry "bear" issues. The theme of this year's event was "Fur University" and so there were seminars earlier in the week on how to be a better bear, cub, otter etc.

Overall though I think the event injected some really hot beefy men to the Dallas gayborhood for the night and I actually find this sect of the gay community to be really fun.

Here is a bear sporting a T-shirt for the event.


Here is the official artwork for the event.


Bear tracks.


So in addition to the hirsute bonanza Brad and I met up with someone that I have been corresponding with via My Space. The lovely and splendid Jeff aka El Gringo Loco.

Here's a picture of me and Jeff after a few drinks. Jeff is a cool cat and certainly proof that you can meet people on My Space that are not just looking to chop you up into a million pieces. He did however express his desire to preform deviant sex acts with me but I think 50% is accpetable. I look like crap in this picture but oh well.


Here's a hot bartender. He was dumb as a brick but again 50% is perfectly acceptable.


Here I am with some Dallasites, I think. They could be Gotti children but I'm not totally certain. If I had my sunglasses on too you wouldn't have noticed my eyes are shut. Hmm note to self.


Two weekends in a row at the bar and both weekends I've met a new Jeff. I think thats enough going out though for a while. I'm not usually so out and about in the community but who knows what next weekend will bring.

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