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Thursday, March 2, 2006

An evolution of sorts.

I have nothing to share today. I think I've reached that point in my blogging where I've recounted all of my best stories and I'm just going to have to go out and get myself into situations for the sake of the survival of this blog.

No. I won't do that. I do, however, need to perhaps cut down on the posting. I find that it takes more and more energy to come up with something to say on a daily basis. I also would like more time to read something other than the internet. Not that I don't love to read y'all's blogs. In fact, I'm more addicted than I would care to admit but I need to make more time to get information from other mediums. My uncle got me a subscription to Harpers last Christmas and I've barely cracked any of the issues. I've had a subscription before and found every issue to be so incredibly rich and enjoyable. Lately I've been feeling guilty and slovenly that I haven't made time to sit down and really read the issues.

I'm a perfectionist at heart and everything that I do I subject to extreme criticism. Most of all though whenever I create something and put it out in the world I ask whether or not it was truly me. If it's not then in my view it wasn't a creation but simply a means of capturing gratuitous attention from passers by. Thats not what I want this to be about. I want this to blog to be spontaneous and I want you to experience my thoughts and experiences as they occur organically. So, in short, posting won't be so daily from here on out and by NO means should this be taken as a farewell. I am certainly not planning on leaving the blogosphere. In July I kind of restarted blogging and I've been really satisfied with the result and proud of what I have written here. I want to maintain that kind of quality for my own and for your enjoyment.

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