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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pros and Cons of Shaving Pubic Hair for Women!

Women have pubic hair for a reason. The coarse texture is meant to trap dirt and bacteria, and keep it out of her vagina. Many people believe that because of this, the hair gets dirty and gross and should be removed to maintain personal hygiene. However, consider this: if there's no hair for all that dirt and bacteria to get trapped in, it can get inside her vagina and cause infections. What's worse, hair or an infection?

It has also been said that pubic hair forms an air pocket to keep the area cool. Without that air pocket, that area can get sweaty, a perfect breeding ground for yeast and bacteria.

Shaving the pubic area has its own risks. That area can get dirty and full of bacteria, and if there's a nick or cut, than that cut is likely to get infected. Ingrown hairs are infections on their own, and they're very uncomfortable. The skin down there is very sensitive, and prone to razor burn, which is never pleasant. Neither is stubble, which is worse there than it is on the legs or even armpits. Waxing is safer, but if not done properly can cause an infection. There have also been stories of waxing parlors using unsanitary equipment!

Another purpose of pubic hair is to give off pheromones, which are supposed to help a woman attract a mate. Sex can feel a little lacking without those natural pheromones, even if there's no hair down there.

Because of the health risks, some women decide to trim. Trimming does have benefits, it can make oral sex easier, and can make menstruation a little neater, but it's not as risky to her health. This can be a good compromise for many couples who find themselves in conflict over something to simple as shaving.

To many women, their pubic hair is what separates them from the girls. It's womanly, mature, and natural. What the goddess gave her. It should be her decision whether to shave it, wax it, trim it, or leave it be. It's her health, and that's more important than her partner's sexual pleasure.

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